Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dog Park Etiquette - Common Sense and Courtesy Required

Off leash dog parks are a great place for dogs to run free and socialize, but your dog should be friendly with other dogs (and people) before you take it to the local dog park.
Some local dog parks have areas for big dogs and separate areas for smaller dogs. Be sure to use the appropriate area when they are separated as smaller dogs are usually happier when not being trampled by big dogs in off-leash dog parks.
The dog park may be large or small, or it may be a fenced-in part of a larger park. Regardless, be sure to bring enough bags to pick up your dogs poop so that you can help keep the dog park clean. While many dog parks have poop bags on site, often the supply might be empty, bringing along a few bags will help others too and keep the dogs play area clean.
Some dogs will exercise themselves quite well in the dog park by romping and playing with the other dogs. Some need human interaction and enjoy a good game of fetch with a ball or frisbee. If your dog likes to play ball then be sure to bring it with you when you go, you might want to bring an extra as other dogs may want to join the game and might even run away with your ball. In that case you'll like having another one so your dog can continue to play.
When you go into a dog park, see who's there before unclipping your dog's leash. Often times there is a separate area for unleashing dogs. If you're new to the park you might want the dog to smell around the outside and see how the other dogs inside react to yours. Some dogs are friendly, but some are not. If your dog hasn't met a particular dog at the park, you might want to talk to the owner and introduce the two. If, at any time, your dog or the other dog shows aggression, clip your leash on and move to another area of the park. If the park is small, you may want to look for another park or simply walk your dog on leash instead.
Some dogs do very well at dog parks, while others don't. If yours is happy just to play with you or if he is friendly with other dogs, then you can enjoy the park. But if your dog is aggressive toward other dogs, forgo the dog park or go at times when there aren't any other dogs.
Always keep your eye on the dogs, yours and the others. They often run in packs and they will run right over you if you're not careful. Keeping an eye on the dogs is good too as dog fights happen and you can be sure to stay clear of any trouble should it break out.
Never turn your dog off-leash in a regular park, and always clean up after your dog defecates. Be a responsible dog owner, and you'll help open up more parks to dogs; being irresponsible will contribute to getting dogs banned from more areas.

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