Saturday, July 30, 2011

Socializing Your Puppy - How, Why & When to Socialize Puppies

What does "socializing your puppy" mean?
Exposing your puppy to as many new people, animals and experiences as possible 
When you socialize your puppy, you expose him to everything that he may encounter and need to handle as an adult. This includes people and animals of all types, situations (such as high traffic areas and quiet country areas,) experiences (going to the vet, riding on an elevator) and objects (statues, umbrellas, and other potentially scary things.) If you plan on having a working dog, it also means introducing him to the "tools of his trade"- noisy dog shows, being handled by strangers, agility equipment, gunfire, etc.

When do responsible breeders start socializing their puppies?
At birth 
Responsible breeders usually ensure that their puppies are habituated to many things from birth. They will handle the pups and get them used to human contact. They will expose the pups safely to normal household situations- children, other animals, vacuum cleaners and the like. As the pups grow older and begin to move about, the responsible breeder will make sure that they are introduced to many new situations. For example, by the age of 8 weeks, my pup will already have been exposed to dogs, cats, game birds, show stacking, new people, dog crates, and many other things. 

What is the primary reason that socialization is vitally important?
Preventing fears in adult dogs
During the socialization period, puppies form views on which things are safe and which are not. These opinions last for life! Thus, if the pup has pleasant experiences with something, it will be happy to accept that thing for life. If the puppy is scared by something, it may develop a lifelong fear. After the socialization period ends, the dog is apt to be afraid of anything new and unfamiliar that it meets. In many cases, this leads to problems. Dogs who are not socialized to children, for example, may be afraid of them and tend to bite them as adults.

What age do most dog experts believe is the optimal age for a socialization program?
7-16 weeks
Most experts believe that optimal socialization occurs during the time that, in nature, the puppy would be weaned and would just be starting to interact with others in the pack. During this time, the pup is "programmed" to be curious, approach new things, take in as many experiences as possible and process them as "good" or "bad." After the socialization period, acclimation to new objects and situations is much more difficult, as the dog will become cautious. 

Puppies that are to grow up to be guard dogs should not be socialized to strangers, so that they will be more wary of them as adults.
In fact, it's vital that potential guard dogs be intensively socialized, as they must, as adults, be able to distinguish between normal, harmless human behavior and dangerous human behavior. A good guard dog will not bite a stranger running, screaming child, a poorly-socialized one often will

Do you know what you should NOT do if your puppy seems afraid of something?
Reassure the puppy, using a high tone of voice to tell him "It's OK, that won't hurt you."
If you reassure the puppy, he will interpret your words, which he cannot understand, as praise for his fear! Do not reward fearful behavior. Many pups will regain their boldness when they see you approach the object without fear. The pup should be rewarded for any approaches towards the object. If he is really afraid, back off to a "safe" distance where the pup is calm, then gradually approach the feared object (this may take several sessions), rewarding the pup for calm behavior.

When it comes to people is it most vital to socialize your puppy extensively with...
Men and children
Studies have shown that the most common "people phobias" in dogs are of men and of children. Pups need to be socialized to ALL people, but take extra time with these groups!

When socializing your pup with people, it is most important to...
Make sure the experience is pleasant for the puppy
Remember that these experiences are designed to instill a good attitude about people in your puppy! Allowing anyone to frighten or intimidate the pup at this time can cause lifelong fears.

According to dog behaviorist Dr. Ian Dunbar, how many different people should your puppy meet between the ages of 8 and 12 weeks?
At least 100
That's about three people per day! It really isn't a difficult goal, and it's worth it for your pup.

Socializing dogs is very important and it's up to YOU as a responsible dog owner.
Do the right things, be a strong pack leader and you'll have a well behaved, confident and social dog that will be obedient too. Good dog behavior depends on you to lead the dog!

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dog Park Etiquette - Common Sense and Courtesy Required

Off leash dog parks are a great place for dogs to run free and socialize, but your dog should be friendly with other dogs (and people) before you take it to the local dog park.
Some local dog parks have areas for big dogs and separate areas for smaller dogs. Be sure to use the appropriate area when they are separated as smaller dogs are usually happier when not being trampled by big dogs in off-leash dog parks.
The dog park may be large or small, or it may be a fenced-in part of a larger park. Regardless, be sure to bring enough bags to pick up your dogs poop so that you can help keep the dog park clean. While many dog parks have poop bags on site, often the supply might be empty, bringing along a few bags will help others too and keep the dogs play area clean.
Some dogs will exercise themselves quite well in the dog park by romping and playing with the other dogs. Some need human interaction and enjoy a good game of fetch with a ball or frisbee. If your dog likes to play ball then be sure to bring it with you when you go, you might want to bring an extra as other dogs may want to join the game and might even run away with your ball. In that case you'll like having another one so your dog can continue to play.
When you go into a dog park, see who's there before unclipping your dog's leash. Often times there is a separate area for unleashing dogs. If you're new to the park you might want the dog to smell around the outside and see how the other dogs inside react to yours. Some dogs are friendly, but some are not. If your dog hasn't met a particular dog at the park, you might want to talk to the owner and introduce the two. If, at any time, your dog or the other dog shows aggression, clip your leash on and move to another area of the park. If the park is small, you may want to look for another park or simply walk your dog on leash instead.
Some dogs do very well at dog parks, while others don't. If yours is happy just to play with you or if he is friendly with other dogs, then you can enjoy the park. But if your dog is aggressive toward other dogs, forgo the dog park or go at times when there aren't any other dogs.
Always keep your eye on the dogs, yours and the others. They often run in packs and they will run right over you if you're not careful. Keeping an eye on the dogs is good too as dog fights happen and you can be sure to stay clear of any trouble should it break out.
Never turn your dog off-leash in a regular park, and always clean up after your dog defecates. Be a responsible dog owner, and you'll help open up more parks to dogs; being irresponsible will contribute to getting dogs banned from more areas.

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Dog Health - Intestinal Parasites in Dogs and Puppies Health - Internal parasites can take several different forms and can affect the health of your dog or puppy. Roundworms in dogs and other common parasites are something every dog owner should be aware of so you know what to look for and what to do in case you have a problem with dog worms.

The most common internal parasite found in dogs are worms. This is in large part due to fact that a majority of all puppies acquire intestinal worms prior to birth or shortly thereafter.
Roundworms - These worms are generally 2 to 4 inches long. They look like spaghetti and are usually white or tan in color. If a dog has a heavy infestation, they can pass these in their feces and on occasion they'll show up in their vomit. Roundworms can cause diarrhea and vomiting and affect the dog's basic health and appearance. Puppies that are infected with these worms will appear potbellied. Roundworms may become so bad that they can create an intestinal blockage where the stool can't pass. These worms can also be transferred to humans and can cause an infection which may even result in possible blindness if not treated.
Hookworms - These worms are parasitic worms that commonly infect both humans and dogs. These thin, tiny parasites can penetrate through the dogs skin whenever it walks on contaminated soil. When they get inside the body, hookworms will fasten themselves to the lining of the small intestine and feed on blood. Hookworms are much smaller than roundworms and can't be seen with the naked eye. Microscopic stool examination is usually required to detect an infestation.
Tapeworms - These worms can be visually detected with the naked eye and are transmitted to dogs by the ingestion of infected meat or fleas. They are long and flat and attach themselves to the lining of the small intestine. When they reach maturity, they will segment and parts of their bodies will break off and enter the dog's digestive system where they will be passed in the urine or feces. There aren't any real noticeable symptoms, but you can sometimes find pieces of the worm in the dog's feces.
Heartworms - These worms are transmitted by mosquitoes. They burrow into blood vessels and follow the blood stream until they end up in the heart. In about 6 months they grow into long spaghetti like worms about a foot long. These worms form a ball-like clump in the heart and interfere with the heart's pumping action eventually causing heart failure. If the dog is not treated, they usually die from this parasite.
Dogs that are in good condition may not show any outward symptoms of most worm infestations. However, it's a good to detect and treat these conditions so that if disease does occur, the dog's immune system is in the best possible condition to handle a crisis. Also, some of these worms can also transfer to people. To avoid this, action should be taken to eradicate these parasites as soon as possible.
Early diagnosis of intestinal parasites is very important. Depending upon the type of worm present, the vet will prescribe a specific medication. Not all worms will be affected by the same medication and no single treatment works against them all.

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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Dog Breeds - Best Dogs For Kids and Families

Having a pet in a family is always beneficial as most adults adore their beautiful memories of childhood spent with their pets. While serving as playmates, kids learn to take the responsibility of a life apart from their own. Moreover, it teaches them the value of love. However, affection and responsibility can only be shared when the disposition of a kid matches with that of the pet. Amongst the various pet options, dogs are hot favorite for both children and adults. However, the task of selecting a pet does not end here, as there are umpteen breeds of dog available, which makes picking one an extremely daunting task.
A dog should be one that is friendly, adapting, non-aggressive, energetic, and can be easily taken care of. Given here are some best breeds of dogs that are known for their gentle disposition. Read on and take your pick.
Best Dog Breeds For Families and Young Children
Labrador Retriever
Labrador Retriever
 The Labrador Retriever is America's favorite dog. It is the most popular family dog. Very friendly with children, easy to train and minimum grooming make this dog breed a very popular choice as a family dog. They are very active dogs and require a good amount of exercise, love to play fetch with balls and frisbees and are a great companion animal. Labs come in several different colors.

Family Friendy - Bichon Frise Puppy
Bichon Frise
As long as children are not harsh with this breed, the dog gets along well with children. The breed does not shed its furry coat and hence, is great to have for kids prone to allergies. Nevertheless, the dog requires regular grooming to keep it away from dog skin problems. It is suitable for an apartment life, since it does not need much exercise.

Golden Labradoodle

The Labradoodle is a cross-breed between Labrador Retriever and Poodle, both considered to be best dogs for kids. Moreover, the second or third-generation Labradoodles are more suitable for kids, since they are milder than their first generation and can easily cope up with the energy level of the kids. These dogs should be given their daily dose of exercise. They can adjust very well in an apartment.
Labradoodles come in many different colors too.


An offspring from a Pug and a Beagle, a Puggle makes a great dog for young children. However, it is not suitable for kids with asthma. Pleasant, friendly and easy to train, this breed does well in apartments. Since both Pug and Beagle are prone to several dog health problems, it is best to have a background check before buying a Puggle. Overall, this breed makes an excellent companion with its cute looks.

Miniature Poodle

Miniature Poodle
Miniature Poodle, a variety of the standard Poodle breed, is one of the best dogs for kids, due to its calm temperament. The breed can be easily trained, is hypoallergenic, requires a daily walk and suits well to the apartment life. However, the dog should be provided with extensive professional grooming to avoid skin problems.
Poodles come in many colors, this one is a silver poodle but they're also in white, brown, black and a fancy haircut makes them very stylish.


One of the healthiest breed of dogs, the Samoyed gets along well with kids, even those who prone to allergic reaction. Though not high on energy, the dog should be given a good amount of exercise, such as a walk or an active game of fetch to prevent it from being lethargic.
Mostly the Samoyed is white and fluffy, sometimes you can find them with a little peach colored accent on the head or along the back, expect to be brushing them regularly to keep them well groomed and free of matted hair.

Boston Terrier

Boston Terriers
Attentive, lively and easy to train, Boston Terriers are the best terrier dog breeds for kids, if they are introduced to them at an early age. They are hypoallergenic and suitable for apartments, but should be provided with 20 to 40 minutes of daily exercise.
Boston Terriers are usually black and white or brown and white, they require minimum grooming, no matted hair here.

Cocker Spaniel Puppy

Cocker Spaniel
The Cocker Spaniel is yet another good dog for kids, due to its affection towards humans. It is easy to train, loves open homes and does well in apartments as well. The dog loves being involved in activities and games like hide-n-seek. To maintain its healthy coat, the dog should be groomed regularly.
This is a small to medium sized dog and comes in many different colors, brown, blonde, black and mixed colors like this cute pup.

Norfolk Terrier
Norfolk Terrier
The Norfolk Terriers should be provided with good amount of daily exercise; else they tend to get restless. They get adjusted to apartment life and love kids, though supervision with kids is required. This dog breed can get a little testy at times, does best with kids that will not be excessively rough.
Norfolk Terriers are usually some shade of tan or brown as shown.

English Bulldog
English Bulldog
Though the English Bulldog is highly energetic during puppy-hood, it becomes relaxed and hardly requires any exercise as an adult. The dog is very affectionate towards kids, but should be kept away from children with allergies. Due to lack of exercise requirements, the English Bulldog makes a great pet for apartments.
This dog breed is usually two colors, black and white, brown and white or this orange-ish color and white.

Affectionate, mischievous and friendly, the Pug is a small, heavyset dog that is easy to train and requires minimal grooming and exercise needs. Being very tolerant, the dog is sturdy enough to play with kids and is fiercely loyal to its owner. The short, wrinkly face and cute curly tail makes this breed a favorite among kids.

Whatever kind of dog you choose, take the time to choose wisely.
Getting the best kind of dogs for families means considering your family lifestyle and time you have to spend with the dog. The best family dogs are well trained, DO expect to spend enough time in working with your dog so it can learn to be well behaved and give it time so it can know what you expect from it. Patience, love, understanding and time will get years of joy from a family dog. Even the best dog breeds for families won't be the best they can be unless you too dedicate yourself to training, so be a good pack leader and your family dog will be good too.
Please remember that shelters are full of good dogs in need of good homes like yours. 100% of dogs in local shelters need to be adopted and many pure-bred dogs can be found there. Save a life, adopt a dog from your local shelter or rescue. Many dog shelters today have online pictures of the dogs available for adoption.
A good dog doesn't have to be pure-bred either, a good dog just needs YOU to be a good and responsible owner. Teach your dog well and teach your children how to respect and love the dog too.

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Considerations When Adopting A Pet

Pets make wonderful companion and give us unconditional love. But bringing up pets is not an easy task. It requires lot of time, energy, willingness and money on your part. Before adopting a pet consider these things so that you do not have to repent your decision later.

Some basic things to follow before the adoption of a pet
  • Raising a pet is a costly affair. Be sure about how much you can afford. Some of the basic expenses relating to different pets are:
    • Amphibians, reptiles, and fish: Aquarium, filter, heater, plants etc.
    • Birds and rodents: Cage, bedding or cage liner, dishes, toys etc.
    • Dogs and cats: License, collar, leash, brush, toys, dishes, bed etc.
  • The other cost heads that are common to all the pet are;
    • Food
    • Bedding
    • Litter
    • Grooming or grooming supplies
    • Regular well-pet veterinary care
    • Sick, trauma, or emergency veterinary care
    • Vaccinations and other medical care as needed
  • You need time and energy to feed, clean or groom, handle, train, exercise, and take your pet to the veterinarian regularly. Time requirement of each pet varies.
    • Amphibians, reptiles, and fish: 10 minutes per day, plus 3 hours every few weeks.
    • Rabbits, guinea pigs, mice: 30 minutes per day
    • Cats and birds: 30 to 60 minutes per day
    • Dogs: More than one hour per day.
  • Your pet also needs some space. Make sure that you have adequate space at your home to accommodate a new member.
  • Adopt a healthy pet, which is not suffering from any deadly disease. Before adoption get your pet examined by a veterinarian and get your pet vaccinated against deadly diseases.
  • Get your pet spayed or neutered immediately after adoption.
  • Adopt the pet from an authorized center/agency and complete all the legal formalities required.

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Monday, June 6, 2011

Pet Horoscopes & Zodiac

To pet lovers, pets are no less than kids and they see no reason or absurdity in desiring to know about the future prediction for their beloved pets and seek astrological devices to know them better. Animal lovers across the globe have accepted pet horoscopes as the latest fad on their list. They seek the services of the psychics, astrologers and numerologists for the purpose and Internet is a quick way to process the required data and give out predictions for pets, with or without fur. These sites charge a certain fee to give an extensive reading to the owner about their dog's, cat's, pig's, horse's or chick's personality and future based on their birth date and birth place. You may also ask for the astro-charts and predictions for the next few months. Prediction of pet's behavior for a long time to come might help you to reduce your anxiety about your pampered pet.

The astrologers believe that the position of the almighty sun and stars at the particular moment carves out the distinction personality and behavior pattern of a pet. However, horoscopes of different animals definitely differ from each other. These horoscopes can tell you about the relationships of the animal along with its ruling, planet, lucky day and number, physical characteristics, desirable qualities and most harmonious signs. Here are some general characteristics of the pets, common to almost all species, according to their sun signs:

Aries March 21 -April 19
Some of the most energetic and active pets are born under this sign. They love workouts and are not easy to subdue. They do whatever they want and make plenty of noise yet are so friendly and sweet that they love to do tricks to entertain your friends and love them when they come home. However, they tend to be assertive and Aries canines are good guardians of home. They love playing and fun and get compulsive at times. Aries cats like to roam a lot and will resist being locked up. A competitive spirit is behind their speed and stamina than other pets in the neighborhood and new games and toys entrance them to their owners. The head, eyes and ears of Aries pets are vulnerable so take special care of these parts of your pet.

Taurus April 20 -May 20
Taurus pets are lazy and like to sleep a lot. They need comfortable beds and a super-soft blanket to be in paradise. They need a lot of pampering and lots of fresh and tasty food. The Taurus pets loved to be petted and slow and luxurious rubdowns on their coats. Lethargic in nature, they hate exercise and just lounge around at the most. Persistency and stubbornness are their distinctive traits and they do not like to leave the comforts of home. However, these pets rarely run away and are very loyal to their masters. They tend to get fat with over eating and so you need to keep an eye on their food. With kids at home, they are gems for they are very tolerant and gentle in nature.

Gemini May 21 -June 20
More communicative, social and interactive, Gemini pets are noisy and yappy. They crave variety and freedom and hate fixed routines. They are bright, amusing and love to learn new tricks. They are just a little in fast forward motion and eat and walk at fast pace. They keep wandering from place to place and are innovative in nature. They can invent original stunts and precocious moves and have a zest for life that will keep them young even when they are old. Fun is the word for Gemini pets, though, their paws or legs or any kind of lower limbs can be their weak spots.

Cancer June 21 -July 22
Moody Cancerian pets love to be a part of a family unit and hardly feel the need to go out and explore. They are prone to stomach and digestive problems and need regular meals controlled consistently. Keep them away from emotion stress, as they are generally very intuitive and sensitive. Family problems may upset a Cancerian pet too. The Cancer pet loves to play with kids and snuggle up with their owners. On bad days, they seek to be alone. Cancer pets can be quite possessive about their toys and family members and do not like to be left alone when the family goes on a trip. They are loyal to their last breath and are known for their affectionate warmth for the family they live with.

Leo July 23 -August 22
Rulers like kings and queens, Leonine pets are as charming as they are spoilt. They can be little lazy and aloof and want just about everything perfect like their favorite meals, being washed and groomed regularly and being the focus of attention, always. However, they are capable of undying love and fierce loyalty. The Leo pets are family and neighbors alike and manage to gain their attention. They can be quite demanding at times but are courageous and strong, when the opportunity arises and are known to perform heroic deeds.

Virgo August 23 -September 22
With picky Virgo pets, you may need a lot of patience. Simple food served on time and a strictly observed routine is a mist with them. Order and schedule are their first love and they are on the verge of being hypochondriacs and wince and yelp a lot. If you follow a set and stable routine, they are easy to care for and you can enjoy walking with your Virgo pet at the same time every day on your usual route. They Virgo pets like to be neat and clean. They do not need much besides hygiene and routine and won't expect new toys much. They can be good guards because of the attention they pay to details.

Libra September 23 -October 22
Playmates mean a lot to a Libra pet. Companionships form the lifeline of Libra pets and they cannot stand to be left alone. Their social circle is necessarily large or they may start crying and whining. Harmony at home is essential for them as these animals are too good at picking up bad vibes instantly. They like to be groomed properly, lead a good life and eat well. They love traveling too and are quite of masters who take them to the corner regularly. They are very eager to please too.

Scorpio October 23 -November 21
 Scorpio pets are mysterious and loner by nature. They love to wander, are more independent and self-sufficient and are strong-willed on the verge of being stubborn. They may go for an adventure along for days but be assured that they will always come back. Idiocy irritates them and personal space is a must for Scorpio pets. They are extremely loyal and would not suffer even death to come in their path of loyalty. Emotional and intuitive at once, they will be with you whenever you are sad. They are sometimes too curious for the taste of their owners and may search out the garbage cans. You have to be careful that they do not bring something disgusting in the home with them, taking it to be a fancy treat.

Sagittarius November 22 -December 21
Sagittarius pets are sanguine in nature and are happy-go-lucky types. They are always happy, extremely energetic and playful. Sag pets seem to be claustrophobic and need space. They are quite a companion for hiking trails or camping trips. They love to wander off and get plenty of exercise while they're at it. However, delighted to be with a family, they always come back and are great with kids.

Capricorn December 22 -January 19
Capricorn pets are serious, deliberate, cautious and do not like to take risks. Conservative in nature, Capricorn pet amuses itself by watching other animals at play and like to help out and work hard. Cap dog can fetch the newspaper while a Capricorn horse can help you to lock the barnyard animals. Cap pets are stable and serene and like a happy family and a comfy home. Work is their exercise and they like to be needed to do your chores. Capricorn pet is not hard to train and is has immense self-control. It dutifully follows the family rules and is quite self-reliant and contended to fend off for himself while the family is away. They don't need much physical affection but like to be neat and clean and brushed regularly. Their bone and teeth might need special attention.

Aquarius January 20 -February 18
Eccentric by nature, Aquarius pets are unusual, quirky and strange. They can be finicky at times and loves freedom to express itself and hate to be leashed or put in closed quarters. They love to socialize and mix easily with people and other animals. Aquarian pets learn from other animals more quickly and may take to vegetarian food easily for the sake of novelty. They are individualistic in nature and won't easily sit on your lap for long. If you don't try to cuddle them often, they prove to be good companions. They are known to set their own terms and can be quite shy and seem lost at first. They love to flaunt too and are quite smart in learning new lessons and tricks. Never boring, these pets are quite rebellious in nature.

Pisces February 19 -March 20
Pisces pet live in their own fantasy world and thus seem lazy. They are sweet but don't expect much from them. They are caring and sympathetic and can sense that you are upset and try to cheer you up. Piscean dogs will gladly lay in your lap and lick you with affection. Pisces pets are known to follow their masters like shadows and are contented with little. However, they always like to be near you. Piscean cats are known to be crazy for catnips, so exercise control on their diet.

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